The Flick on Header Can Be Pretty Useful!

The flick header is a great method for passing the ball in tight situations. This heading technique is generally used inside your opponent’s 18 yard box and is great when you have one or more defenders marking you.

After the ball bounces off your head it will generally increase in speed and it will make the life for your opponent’s goalkeeper very hard, because they will never know where the ball will land.

Ideal for Passing

The flick on header can also be used to pass the ball to a near standing teammate who may shoot or head the ball into the goal.

Try not to use the side and top of your head while executing the flick on header because you will get a headache that really hurts! 🙂

While practicing, a friend need to throw or kick the ball with power which will make it possible for you to take advantage of the ball’s speed.

Focus and Believing

As with every soccer skill you need to have 100 % focus and believe in yourself! A flick on header is the easiest heading method to learn.

You don’t have to do so much besides touching the ball with your head. But, don’t underestimate the power of this skill.

It may look easy to perform but I can ensure you that it requires many hours of practicing to master it.


Can you practice this skill by yourself? It might sound difficult at first, but it’s really not. There is always a way to do things on your own so you don’t have to depend on anyone.

The best way to practice on this heading method is to just throw the ball at a wall and just flick it when it bounces off.


The main point of this drill is to increase your heading technique and timing when performing a flick on header. Yet don’t just read this and do nothing – take action!

Now, get out there and practice – that’s the best way to really make these all new heading skills become part of your collection of soccer techniques!