Learn How to Perform a Side Volley in 6 Simple Steps

The side volley is ideal when the ball arrives at the height just above your knee but below your waist.

To master it you will need to learn first how to perform it without a ball. This is recommend, as you will be able to learn the acrobatic movement properly before involving a ball.

When performing this type of volley you will need to lean your body forward in order to keep the ball low.

Many players seem to forget this and that is why many volley attempts ends up 30 yards above the goal.

Make also sure to point your supporting foot in the direction where you want the ball to go.

How to Perform

Here is how to perform this spectacular volley in 6 steps:

1. Start by raising your kicking leg by the side (it should be parallel to the ground).

2. Draw it back and bend it at the knee.

3. Now try to extend your kicking leg and keep the weight on your supporting foot.

4. Your front shoulder needs to be in direction of your target.

5. You should strike the top of the ball with your instep.

6. Follow through

Points to Remember

Some other points you should keep in mind are following: Your weight should be firmly on your supporting foot.

 Use your hips to boost your swing with power.

 Make sure to follow through once you hit the ball.

 Your arms should be stretched to increase your balance.


This is a soccer skill that requires time to learn and you should not be discouraged if you can’t get it right immediately. Just keep on practicing and soon or later you will get it right, I promise.