Become a More Skillfull Player With Increased Creativity

In this part you will learn how to become a more skillful player by increasing your creativity on the soccer field. So, let’s start immediately…

Good creativity in soccer is important whether you are playing for fun or in a regular competition. You probably have watched professional soccer many times and the skills performed by the top players look very simple.

However, these players have spend many hours on a soccer field and if you want to be like them you should be prepared to do the same.

Your creativity skills will not increase over a night.

But if you practice regularly the results will come. In this article I will give you tips on what you can do in order to improve your creativity on the soccer field. Let’s start…

The Art of Creativity

Good creativity skills come through hard work during your training sessions and games. Every new practice is a chance for increasing your creativity. The more effort you put in the more results you will get.

One thing I have learned about creativity is to always play the ball on the first touch. I can understand that you probably want to receive the ball, get control on it and then face your opponent in a 1v1 duel. But in games in high tempo you will not have that time.

First Touch is a Must

Playing the ball on the first touch is also great for beating your opponent’s defense. Simply, passing the ball on the first touch is the most effective weapon in soccer. And in games with high tempo it is almost impossible to defense against.

Other second important thing for good creativity is having a good touch on the ball. With a poor touch you will not get any far. While practicing on your touch you need to do it with all parts of your foot (inside, outside, instep).

Third thing you need to improve in order to increase your creativity is your receiving skills. This one may not seem to be hard to learn and it isn’t either.

However, mastering it will take you a while because receiving a ball in high tempo games comparing to low tempo games is completely two different worlds.

Improving Your Weak Foot

The forth and last thing you need to improve in order to increase your creativity skills is your weak foot. Many players prefer to only kick the ball by using one foot.

However, ask yourself how many goals you could have scored if you were able to kick the ball by using your weak foot?


In this part I have mentioned 4 things you need to practice on in order to increase your creativity and become a more skillfull player.

However, if you really want to increase your creativity maximum you will need to play soccer every time you get the chance.

Plus, you should also try to study soccer tactics, which is really boring (but it must be done)!